Infuse on App Store by friday?

Plex started… Infuse deleted…

This is awesome!
Very happy with the implementation… It just works!

I’m also having an issue choosing an sftp server, only SMB is available. Was this a problem with the beta?

No. 1 on the to-do-list has got to be improving the favourites menu though. Infuse is a stunning app, ruined by a very boring startup screen. We need folder art and configurability so one can choose the number of favourites on a single screen. 3 at the moment, I need 4, I’m sure others may want more. Backdrop configurability at the favourite/startup screen would be nice too!

Did you can choose a protocol different from SMB in your shares? I need FTP but seems impossible to change… Isn’t it?

Its possible connect to ftp shares?
