Infuse 3.4 - Folders, Folders, Folders

We've been hard at work to make watching videos in Infuse even better and more enjoyable. In version 3.4 we've added a handful of exciting improvements including new organization options, background audio playback, and more!

Organize videos using folders

An all-new folders option provides the ability to manually organize videos to your heart's content. You can even set custom artwork for each, allowing everything to mesh seamlessly with the native Infuse layout.


Infuse 3.2 with Google Cast

Google Cast

Dust off your Chromecast or Nexus Player - Google Cast streaming has arrived! With Google Cast, you can stream your favorite content from your iPhone or iPad to any TV that has a Cast device attached.

Keep in mind this is a beta feature, and while we work to perfect the Google Cast experience, we wanted to let you join in the fun. Plus, if you have time to share your feedback it will assist us greatly in making Infuse even better! Google Cast (beta) is available to Infuse Pro users.

Infuse 3.1 with Trakt Sync

trakt v2

We're excited to announce the release of Infuse 3.1 which includes an all-new way to sync using trakt. Pro users can now sync watched history, and playback progress across multiple devices! Start watching a movie on your iPhone while riding home on the train, and pick up your iPad later at home to finish it. Infuse will automatically keep track of exactly where you left off.

Infuse 3.0.1 - A Few Fixes

The response to Infuse 3 has been simply amazing, and today we've got a quick bug fix release that addresses a handful of minor issues that have come up.

The most noticeable change in this version relates to how past Pro purchases are handled. Pro features from Infuse 2 are transferred automatically when upgrading to Infuse 3, but soon after the release it was clear we didn't do a great job of indicating this within the app. 3.0.1 does this much more effectively, in an effort to avoid any further confusion.

Also included are a number of behind the scenes improvements to help keep everything running smoothly.

Infuse 3 Has Arrived...With DTS!

Infuse 3

We've been pretty busy over the past few months working on Infuse 3, and we're super-excited that we are able to share it with you today.

Simply put, Infuse 3 is a massive update. It's been fully optimized for iOS 8, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and adds a bunch of amazing new things including DTS-HD® audio, mophie space pack access, AirStash® streaming, an all-new dark mode, and a host of other niceties that make the whole Infuse experience just that much better.