Infuse 4 for iOS - Now Available

Infuse 4 for iOS has arrived!

At first glance, Infuse 4 may look like something you've seen before, but that is where the similarities end. We've gone deep under the hood to make significant changes in just about every area. The end result is an all-new playback core, built on modern frameworks, that take full advantage of Apple's latest hardware. Naturally, we've also added a few other goodies as on for more details.

High-performance playback

Our new high-performance playback core has been optimized to work great with newer devices, including the iPad Pro. We've also fine-tuned things for speedy browsing, great battery life, and silky-smooth playback of videos with resolutions up to 4K.

High-performance player

Infuse 4 for Apple TV - Now Available

When Apple first announced the new Apple TV in September we couldn't help but do a little happy dance. A powerful new device with an official App Store - what more could we ask for? There was just one thing missing - a great way to enjoy videos without having to jump through any silly hoops like converting or transcoding.

Well, the wait is over, and the all-new version of Infuse for the new Apple TV has arrived. We've taken many of the same great features we perfected in Infuse for iOS and reimagined them for the big screen. The end result is a beautiful, powerful, and simple way to enjoy a wide array of videos on the Apple TV.

And now, without further ado, we give you Infuse 4 for Apple TV.

Play just about anything

Infuse supports a massive array of video types, and is the only player on Apple TV that allows movies to be heard the way they were meant to be, with full support for Dolby (AC3) and DTS audio...with surround sound passthrough of course. ;)

simple organization

Infuse 4 for Apple TV Coming Soon

As you can imagine, it's been a very busy fall here, to say the least. However, we're now (finally!) starting to see a beautiful bright light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is coming into form as Infuse 4 for Apple TV. We think what we've made is really great and we can't wait to share it with you very soon.

We're also happy to announce that Infuse 4 for Apple TV will be a free update for all current (v3) Infuse Pro users.

Happy Apple TV Pre-Order Day!

It may not be a national holiday (yet) but the new Apple TV is now available for pre-order! If you're anything like us, you're already ordered more than one, but if not, drop what you're doing and go get yours now!

We were fortunate enough to receive one of the first pre-release units, and have been putting in long hours every day since. To date, we've made some great progress, but still have some work to do and are hoping to have this great new version of Infuse available on the App Store later this year.

New Apple TV

Infuse 3.4 - Folders, Folders, Folders

We've been hard at work to make watching videos in Infuse even better and more enjoyable. In version 3.4 we've added a handful of exciting improvements including new organization options, background audio playback, and more!

Organize videos using folders

An all-new folders option provides the ability to manually organize videos to your heart's content. You can even set custom artwork for each, allowing everything to mesh seamlessly with the native Infuse layout.
